Judy is an example of what consistent training can do – I often compare exercise to investing, and reaping the benefits of compound interest. If you just put in a little everyday, your results will compound and your everyday strength and orthopedic durability will greatly benefit you forever. Judy manages her diabetes and bone density (she is osteopenic) through strength… Read More »74 Years Young and Stronger Than Ever (Video)
Dave Reddy
Taken from Dave’s Catholic Fitness series for parish group exercise classes, Dave runs through a few of his favorite exercises for active adults and seniors.
Senior Fitness ideas for Group Exercise (Video)
“You are what you eat” is among the best nutrition advice if understood and practiced. Think about it, if you consider your body will rebuild your bone and muscle and brain cells specifically with the food you eat, would you think twice about tossing back a sugar-latent coffee and two donuts for breakfast every day? Similarly, your thoughts and emotions… Read More »You Are What You Consume
You Are What You Consume
Planks are pretty popular for “core training”, but are rarely done effectively. They can be great for improving your breathing and creating total body tension which is key to increasing your strength and power. Whatever type of plank you are practicing, try doing them in intervals of 10-20 sec versus holding for longer 60+ sec where you will usually end… Read More »Planking 101 – Short versus Long Plank Holds and More Tips
Planking 101 – Short versus Long Plank Holds and More Tips
Journal Entry. Training for the ShowMe’s bball tourney I ended up missing due to an ankle injury, I wanted to look at a heavy front squat to see where I was. (My best front squat ever was in 1999 at BYU – 315 x 3 reps.) Here, my left low back and QL were a little crabby and I thought… Read More »Training Journal – Front Squat 200 lbs x 3 reps (July 10, 2015)
Training Journal – Front Squat 200 lbs x 3 reps (July 10, 2015)
When we want to get into shape, we really want to improve one of four things: to move, feel, look and/or play better. Think about your health and fitness goals. Those four things pretty much sum it up. No one goal is more important than the others, as long as they are in balance. Setting short-term goals keeps us driven… Read More »Pretty good habits lead to pretty good results.