For most people, planks are a pretty darned good exercise. Similar to food, there aren’t too many “bad” exercises, only bad habits and behaviors (aka exercise form) surrounding those exercises. Done correctly in moderation, planks can help you in two primary areas: Develop core muscle-endurance while helping you differentiate between your abdominal wall muscles and your breathing mechanisms. Meaning, you… Read More »Pros and Problems with Performing Planks and Planking Challenges
Dave Reddy
“Fitness is the ability to perform a task.” Performing a given task may require specific skills or attributes including speed, endurance, flexibility, balance, accuracy, power and agility. Who is more fit? The Olympic weight lifter, the professional basketball player or the marathon runner? Each “fit” athlete attempts to master a few different attributes specific to their task. “I can’t tell… Read More »What is YOUR Definition of Fitness?
What is YOUR Definition of Fitness?
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden, Basketball Hall of Famer.
Great advice from a legendary coach for training when injured – “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden, Basketball Hall of Famer.
I find too many people hurt their shoulder and shut down their entire routine when their legs are perfectly healthy. I coached someone today with a pretty ugly rotator tear, but while she arrived with her spirits down feeling like she can’t get a great workout in, we went ahead and hit the following:
- squatting floor touches
- kettlebell dead lifts with light to moderate weight
- walking agility (heels, toes, side shuffle, grapevine, high knee march)
- reverse lunges
- single arm cable rows standing on 2 feet and on 1 foot with her unaffected arm
- forward lunges
- single arm lying dumbbell presses (research shows strength training the healthy arm can have strength improving benefits on the injured arm)
- side lunges & 12″ box step cross over step backs
Needless to say, she was sweating, her entire body (and spirit) felt better and she felt her legs for 2 days after the workout.
Personally a few years ago, my upper body strength soared through the roof after my foot surgeries because with one tire down, I was forced to focus on my upper body training. See the video below. Read More »Training with an Injury – Take Advantage of This Time (with Video)
Training with an Injury – Take Advantage of This Time (with Video)
“Necessity is the mother of innovation.”
Parents want to give their children everything they can … but should they consider giving them less? Is modern children’s play too processed?
The presenter, Stephen Hall takes a minute or three to get to his point, but his emphasis on parenting and inspiring our children to be creative by giving them less is awesome. The less our children need, the less they may express their intuitive creativity.
I read once that around 93% of children are rated as creative when they are 3 years old, but by the time these same children are 18 years old, only 15% or so are rated as highly creative. As a country, we have dug ourselves into a hole by developing an educational system based on uniformity and conformity.
In most grade schools, Art and Physical Education are only taught once per week. We are so focused on Literature, History and the Sciences that most adults are now walking around “Physically Illiterate” and with what I call “Right Brain Amnesia.”Read More »Inspiring Kids to be Creative – TED Talk with Stephen Hall
Inspiring Kids to be Creative – TED Talk with Stephen Hall
“The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth.” – Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776
Thomas Paine was referring to the “cause” that many today call the “American experiment.” I believe the current state of each of our nation’s individual’s personal health is a cause that runs a close second to the original ideas our country was founded. This summer, we once again celebrated the birth of my daughter (she turned 4 on July 4th) and the birth of this American experiment called the United States. But as I looked at my daughter that day becoming lost in all the family, love and other wonderful things she has ahead of her in life, I admit I am not as optimistic about our country, specifically our state of health and fitness.
It got me wondering whether the Declaration of Independence could be used by those interested as more than simply a metaphor, but a commitment and personal declaration to unlearn and let go of all that is holding them back from living a life filled with health and vitality.
I submit that it can indeed.Read More »Lose Weight With The Declaration of Independence? Check Out This Personal Health D of I.
Lose Weight With The Declaration of Independence? Check Out This Personal Health D of I.
“We understood some of the dangers (of riding a bike) … but we welded on these extra long handle bars … and after that … he was just a kid riding his bike.” This sounds like a pretty normal statement from a Dad about his son … except for this Dad, who’s son was born with no arms. Check out… Read More »How Do You Get Through Your Day? Richie Parker: Drive – Inspirational ESPN Video