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Dave Reddy

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were? – Satchel Paige I can’t help but pull out my camera to catch Paul rockin’ out pretty much any part of his weekly workout with me … from jumping rope, to 20 lb dumbbell presses to this sah-weet Ab Dolly Roll Out. This is part of our… Read More »Awesome Ab Dolly Roll-Out by 87 Year Old Paul Cahn – Never Too Old to Get Strong (short video)

Awesome Ab Dolly Roll-Out by 87 Year Old Paul Cahn – Never Too Old to Get Strong (short video)

Unlike most joints in the body, our shoulder is where we (in the Sports Medicine world) say we: “sacrifice stability for mobility.” Mobility is almost always a good thing, especially in the shoulder joint allowing us to move our arm in pretty much every direction, including raising, lowering and rotating them, running like Phoebe in Central Park and throwing a… Read More »Strong, Tone AND Healthy Shoulders with These Two Moves and Cues (with short video)

Strong, Tone AND Healthy Shoulders with These Two Moves and Cues (with short video)

So the push up is pretty darned awesome because when you can do a perfect push up with good (enough) form, you will: build arm (particularly the back of the arm) and upper back strength (think posture and postural muscle strength) develop functional core strength that “braces” your mid-section thereby tightening your waist and protecting your spine develop stronger, durable… Read More »Push Up Form and Elbow Position for Strong Arms and Core (with short video)

Push Up Form and Elbow Position for Strong Arms and Core (with short video)

“I don’t know karate, but I know kar-azy, and I will use it!” – Owen Wilson as Roy O’Bannon in Shanghai Noon

This is an exerpt from a spontaneous email I sent out to my current REDDY TO LIVE Group, an introduction that was a silly digression that turned into a message that more or less wrote itself. So I thought I would share it here … I am a fan of many a movie, but for the love of Pete nothing gets my gander more than over anticipating and being disappointed by a sequel to an originally good movie.


Is Your Weight Loss Effort A Good Movie Or Bad Sequel?If ever there was a Chinese Cowboy movie … I’d be all over it … oops, there was, it was called Shanghai Noon with Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson. It was pretty darned funny too, and then they made a sequel (Shanghai Knights), and like most sequels, it pretty much stunk.

Like most movie sequels, they took what they thought made the first movie any good … all the “funny” parts, the action sequences, the quips back and forth between characters and/or pretty much anything that received crowd reaction during a test screening. They took these snippets and somehow jammed a whole lot of this stuff into 85 minutes of blah while totally leaving out any character development, any cohesive story line and ultimately, well, it just doesn’t seem to flow. The story isn’t there, more like a bad high light reel of past bits and pieces that may have worked in the original movie, but without the undercurrent story of characters you actually care about. There is no riveting storyline that gets your attention so much from the beginning you will stick with it as it slowly unfolds into a fun climax and finale.

You know what I am talking about? In the original, you still get the high lights, Read More »Yin Yang & The Bang Bang – Is Your Weight Loss Effort Oscar Worthy Or A Flopping Sequel?

Yin Yang & The Bang Bang – Is Your Weight Loss Effort Oscar Worthy Or A Flopping Sequel?

We may not win every game, but we will be the classiest coaches, players and parents in every game we play.

I don’t believe a week or two goes by where I don’t hear a parent or grandparent mention something about (other) parents yelling during a youth sports game. If any of you have been to grade school games, especially for a “select team” competition, you know what I am talking about. Someone recently sent me this letter St. Louis Cardinals new manager (and former catcher) Mike Matheny wrote to the parents of  his son’s baseball team he was coaching. It is impressively lengthy and detailed, but also very important in today’s parenting/youth sports climate.

I have included the introduction along with what I found to be high lights from the letter (bulleted below) … there is no more important job in this world than being a parent … I hope a few of them take a minute to check this letter out:

Coach Matheny to Baseball Team Parents:

Mike Matheny letter to youth team parentsI always said that the only team that I would coach would be a team of orphans, and now here we are. The reason for me saying this is that I have found the biggest problem with youth sports has been the parents. I think that it is best to nip this in the bud right off the bat. I think the concept that I am asking all of you to grab is that this experience is ALL about the boys. If there is anything about it that includes you, we need to make a change of plans. My main goals are as follows:

  1. to teach these young men how to play the game of baseball the right way,
  2. to be a positive impact on them as young men, and
  3. do all of this with class.

We may not win every game, but we will be the classiest coaches, players, and parents in every game we play. The boys are going to play with a respect for their teammates, opposition, and the umpires no matter what.Read More »StL Cards Manager Mike Matheny to Youth Team Parents – It’s About The Boys!

StL Cards Manager Mike Matheny to Youth Team Parents – It’s About The Boys!