Chicken … Again … Really?
Yesterday, someone told me that a “weight loss guru” in St. Louis basically “instructs” his clients to pretty much just eat chicken and broccoli, “for like the rest of your life I think.” Now I’m not sure where my Father’s Day biscuits and gravy fit into the plan, though I do believe he recommends a cheat meal (and that is for another day.)
For now though, I just thought I’d throw up a quick post to comment on chicken. Gotta love chicken, right? And speaking of them “guru’s”, if you have ever journeyed into a weight loss program, you have heard about how “lean, healthy, and protein-packed” chicken is, and therefore you have come across more than one chicken recipe. Well, for starters, this is not another recycled fitness magazine “37 Ways to Grill Chicken this Summer to Fit Into Your Two Piece” article. You can find those elsewhere.