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“The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth.” – Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

My Personal Health Declaration of Independence
The Founding Father’s journey towards a free nation serves as a perfect metaphor and tool for declaring independence from your former lifestyle and beginning your own journey of building health from the inside-out.

Thomas Paine was referring to the “cause” that many today call the “American experiment.” I believe the current state of each of our nation’s individual’s personal health is a cause that runs a close second to the original ideas our country was founded. This summer, we once again celebrated the birth of my daughter (she turned 4 on July 4th) and the birth of this American experiment called the United States. But as I looked at my daughter that day becoming lost in all the family, love and other wonderful things she has ahead of her in life, I admit I am not as optimistic about our country, specifically our state of health and fitness.

It got me wondering whether the Declaration of Independence could be used by those interested as more than simply a metaphor, but a commitment and personal declaration to unlearn and let go of all that is holding them back from living a life filled with health and vitality.

I submit that it can indeed.Read More »Lose Weight With The Declaration of Independence? Check Out This Personal Health D of I.

Lose Weight With The Declaration of Independence? Check Out This Personal Health D of I.