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military press

It’s All About Efficiency Baby!

Dave Reddy recommends the Javelin Press for grip strength, shoulder stability and a rock solid core … weight management … athletic performance … living with intention.

These three things all go hand in hand, they are inseparable. Train like an athlete and you will increase your chances of managing your weight (you don’t see too many overweight athletes walking around, right?) Train with purpose, that is, live and train with specific intent. Athletes need to spend most of their time improving their sport’s skills, so they must be efficient in the weight room, performing the most functionally sound, bang for your buck exercises they can. Athletes do not change things up every other day simply to prevent boredom. Instead, they stick to and master the basics.

Just as in weight management, our training is not the means to the end, it is the complement to our nutrition and the catalyst for developing a stronger, more energetic body that is meant for so much more than remaining on a diet forever. People, we gots things to do in life, so in similar fashion to an athlete, set your goals, define your purpose, write down your plan, and then get after it!

When developing your training routine, whether for weight loss or athletic performance, choose exercises where you are producing strength and power with the entire body. This burns the most calories, and creates the biggest hormonal response resulting in increased fat loss. The Javelin Press Routines below are perfect for just that!Read More »Javelin Press Complex – Shoulders, Core and More!

Javelin Press Complex – Shoulders, Core and More!