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weight loss

“The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth.” – Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

My Personal Health Declaration of Independence
The Founding Father’s journey towards a free nation serves as a perfect metaphor and tool for declaring independence from your former lifestyle and beginning your own journey of building health from the inside-out.

Thomas Paine was referring to the “cause” that many today call the “American experiment.” I believe the current state of each of our nation’s individual’s personal health is a cause that runs a close second to the original ideas our country was founded. This summer, we once again celebrated the birth of my daughter (she turned 4 on July 4th) and the birth of this American experiment called the United States. But as I looked at my daughter that day becoming lost in all the family, love and other wonderful things she has ahead of her in life, I admit I am not as optimistic about our country, specifically our state of health and fitness.

It got me wondering whether the Declaration of Independence could be used by those interested as more than simply a metaphor, but a commitment and personal declaration to unlearn and let go of all that is holding them back from living a life filled with health and vitality.

I submit that it can indeed.Read More »Lose Weight With The Declaration of Independence? Check Out This Personal Health D of I.

Lose Weight With The Declaration of Independence? Check Out This Personal Health D of I.

Food is Fuel! Dave Reddy
What are you putting in your tank?

‘Course that ignores all the other things that sugar does besides provide (empty) calories: like raise blood sugar, depress the immune system, rob the body of calcium and use up mineral stores. But that’s another story.

This quote (from the article linked to below) is referring to the idea that all you need to do is “burn” more calories than you eat to lose weight. If only it was that simple. trainers and weight loss coaches would have degrees in Mathematics instead of Anatomy & Physiology.

I stumbled upon this enlightening (and pretty short and sweet) article reiterating the problem with counting calories, both when eating and “burning” calories in your attempts to lose or manage your weight.

Frankly, as with too many things in the fitness “industry”, you are being sold bad science … or at least outdated, short sided, incomplete science at best.

Check out the link below for more. In the meantime, remember, when it comes to your food, focus on these four things:Read More »Hey, It’s All About the Calories, Right? Not! | Poliquin Lifestyle Article Re-Post

Hey, It’s All About the Calories, Right? Not! | Poliquin Lifestyle Article Re-Post

“I don’t know karate, but I know kar-azy, and I will use it!” – Owen Wilson as Roy O’Bannon in Shanghai Noon

This is an exerpt from a spontaneous email I sent out to my current REDDY TO LIVE Group, an introduction that was a silly digression that turned into a message that more or less wrote itself. So I thought I would share it here … I am a fan of many a movie, but for the love of Pete nothing gets my gander more than over anticipating and being disappointed by a sequel to an originally good movie.


Is Your Weight Loss Effort A Good Movie Or Bad Sequel?If ever there was a Chinese Cowboy movie … I’d be all over it … oops, there was, it was called Shanghai Noon with Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson. It was pretty darned funny too, and then they made a sequel (Shanghai Knights), and like most sequels, it pretty much stunk.

Like most movie sequels, they took what they thought made the first movie any good … all the “funny” parts, the action sequences, the quips back and forth between characters and/or pretty much anything that received crowd reaction during a test screening. They took these snippets and somehow jammed a whole lot of this stuff into 85 minutes of blah while totally leaving out any character development, any cohesive story line and ultimately, well, it just doesn’t seem to flow. The story isn’t there, more like a bad high light reel of past bits and pieces that may have worked in the original movie, but without the undercurrent story of characters you actually care about. There is no riveting storyline that gets your attention so much from the beginning you will stick with it as it slowly unfolds into a fun climax and finale.

You know what I am talking about? In the original, you still get the high lights, Read More »Yin Yang & The Bang Bang – Is Your Weight Loss Effort Oscar Worthy Or A Flopping Sequel?

Yin Yang & The Bang Bang – Is Your Weight Loss Effort Oscar Worthy Or A Flopping Sequel?

“If we devote ourselves to sacredness in our vocations, the world will rise to meet us.” An interesting talk by an impressively normal guy in Virginia who raises livestock with natural, God-intended methods. He is an author and lecturer on the topic and shares several ideas for “healing our land and food” in order to revitalize our nation’s health. He is… Read More »The Essence of An Egg: Joel Salatin – TED Talk (2009 Video) About Food Quality & Local Farming

The Essence of An Egg: Joel Salatin – TED Talk (2009 Video) About Food Quality & Local Farming

This is a repost from Mike Boyle’s blog (link at the bottom), though here is the article: And a comment below this post hits the nail on the head: The exercise more/eat less mentality combined with the low fat/high carb diet has been an epic failure. We need more influential strength coaches like yourself preaching this message! Keep it… Read More »More Evidence for Increased Fat Intake? (Blog Repost)

More Evidence for Increased Fat Intake? (Blog Repost)

Here is something we should all remind ourselves of when we are looking for excuses:     

The only common denominator among every program you have ever done, every weight loss book or DVD you have ever purchased, or trainer you have worked with … is YOU.    

 Tough love? Yes. The absolute truth, so help you God? Yeppers. Do you remember your grade school math? Addition, division, common denominators? Not too difficult, right? Read More »Gandhi the Weight Loss Coach

Gandhi the Weight Loss Coach