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Training Journal – Front Squat 200 lbs x 3 reps (July 10, 2015)

Journal Entry. Training for the ShowMe’s bball tourney I ended up missing due to an ankle injury, I wanted to look at a heavy front squat to see where I was. (My best front squat ever was in 1999 at BYU – 315 x 3 reps.) Here, my left low back and QL were a little crabby and I thought I was protecting it a bit much. So after several warm up sets at 135 and 185, I hit 200 lbs x 3 reps just to see my core and hip organization during the movement.

I probably felt a bit more stiff than it actually appears. I will hit this again in October when I am 8+ weeks out from my left ankle sprain. Coincidentally, this was shot on a Friday, the following Monday is when I was injured.

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