When it comes to Hollywood, there are a few people I’d like to think still have a pretty good head on their shoulders no matter the magnitude of their celebrity. Will Smith is one of them, and because I pulled one of these quotes out yesterday in a group discussion, I thought I’d post this entire clip.
The thing is, whether looking in a mirror or around a room (such as in our post-workout chat yesterday morning), I look into one’s eyes and see nothing but vast, untapped potential. (It’s part of why I do what I do for a living.) Today, opportunities in our world, (especially in our country) are endless, personally and professionally. Surrounding yourself and communicating with a healthy group of friends, support (did someone say fitness coach?) and influence are absolutely necessary, yet so many people continue to search outside of themselves (and I mean towards the wrong thoughts and things like making more money, the government, unhealthy relationships, the next quick fix diet, etc) for answers to their challenges. Smith nails it on the head here saying by having a focus, a vision, and living to contribute something to the world, we can succeed, in any context, more than we could ever imagine.
OK, I also can’t help but make this point, as I often get asked, “I want to lose x amount of weight, is that realistic?” “I want to do a push up, is that realistic?” “I want to play soccer again like when I was in college, is that realistic?” Smith delivers a great line or two to answer that question as well… enjoy.
“Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity.”
“You don’t try to build a wall. You don’t set out and say ‘I’m gonna build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that has ever been built’. You say ‘I’m going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid’. You do this every single day, and soon you have a wall.”
“I want the world to be better because I was here.”